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Add a central card as a payment option

Use this procedure to add a central card to the list of payment methods travelers within your organization can select from. You also have the ability to limit who can use this payment method and what kinds of bookings they can use it for. 

This feature is only available to company administrators. 
  1. Login to the Online Booking Tool. 
  2. Select Company from the Program menu. The Settings page will be displayed.
  3. Select Payment methods from the Payment section on the left. The Payment methods page will be displayed. 
  4. Under Central payment methods, click Add New. The Add new credit card Step 1 dialog will be displayed. 
  5. Enter all of the following information for your central credit card.
    • Under Card details:
      • Card Label - The name of the central payment method. This will be how to payment method appears to users. 
      • Cardholder name - The person or company in whose name the card has been issued.
      • Card number
      • Expiration date
      • CVV
    • Under Billing address:
      • Address 
      • City
      • State/Province/Region
      • Country
      • Postal/Zip code
  6. Click Next. The Add new credit card Step 2 dialog box will be displayed. 
  7. Use the Specify the type of users field to designate which users will be able to use this card as a payment method. The options are Everyone and Admins and agents only.
  8. Use the Specify the location of the users you have selected field to designate the locations where employees are allowed to use this card as a payment method. The options are All employees in your company and Only employees in specific countries, legal entities, departments, or cost centers.
    • If you select the Only employees in specific countries, legal entities, departments, or cost centers option, you must then select the relevant entry from the menu that appears. Then click in the field to the right of it to search for the countries, cost centers, departments, or legal entities where you want employees to be allowed to use this card as a payment method.   
  9. Use the fields in the Specify the booking types for which this card may be used section to designate which types of travel bookings this central card may be used for. You can also use the relevant checkbox to set this payment method as required for a particular travel mode. For hotel and car bookings, you can also to allow the central card to be used for pay-at-property and pay-at-pickup bookings respectively. 
  10. Click Save when done. The central card will be saved and made available as a payment method to the users you have designated.